b. Test Your App with Chrome

First: Create your icons. You will need a png file that is square. It has to be at least 128 by 128 pixels.

Second: Re-size and save icons with the following dimensions in pixels (128, 96, 64, 48, 32, and 16). Name them program_name_icon128.png etc. Also, double check to insure that your .json file references the icons by name and size.

Third: Open Chrome. Go to customize Chrome.

Fourth: Select Settings:


Select Extensions

Seventh: Check Developer Mode and then Click on Load Unpacked Extension.

Finally: Navigate to the file folder where you have your app. Select the whole file folder.

You will then have a local chrome app. When you are done, you can un-check developer mode and close the extensions window. You can launch it, edit and reload it, get details, or delete it.